
Our Purer customer service team is available to help you find the right plans for your water delivery. We are dedicated to make our customer happy and healthy by ensuring prompt and reliable supply of clean and safe drinking water at your doorstep. Our water quality is supreme as is our commitment to outstanding customer service. With our delivery plans, your home and office will always be well-stocked with clean, refreshingly pure water.

Office Water Delivery

Our water delivery service is an affordable and convenient way to provide your workplace with refreshing water; ensuring that employees, clients and visitors are refreshed and hydrated throughout the workday. We have a delivery plan that matches your business’s budget and needs. All deliveries are scheduled in advance and we will provide you with a schedule of deliveries.

Our Service Area

  • Sisattanak

  • Sikhottabong

  • Saysetha

  • Saythani

  • Naxaythong

Delivery Plans

  • For residences and smaller offices with a total bottle deposit of between 5- 12 bottles, the company arranges to deliver once per week.

  • For medium-sized companies and industrial groups with a total bottle deposit of more than 15 bottles, the company will arrange a twice a week delivery or on a mutually agreed schedule.